Button Art
Trying out some new things and for the first time, I actually purchased black buttons! *gasp*I have been wanting to do some girly hair portraits for a while so I found the right combination of supplies and felt encouraged to do it again on canvas as I had originally envisioned.I pretty much realized right away I had purchased my canvas a bit too big. And you know I'm... let's call it frugal. I bought the 10 pack with a 50% off coupon and really got myself worked up over what to do about my mistake.
Of course, it meant another trip to the craft store! I thought maybe some watercolors could fix my situation.
I layered the background with several layers pinks and purples and embellished the bottom with lace, sequins, beads, and a fabric scrap stamped with the phrase 'BeYou'. I purchased the stamp with this project in mind. I thought it was perfect.
So as Bob Ross said, "there are no mistakes, just happy accidents" or something like that?!